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FX Trading & CFD trading involve a high level of risks, including capital invested

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InstrumentContract SizeMax. LotMinimum FluctuationPip Calc.Margin*Commissions per 1 LotMonths TradedTrading HoursLimit/
Stop order
Swap LongSwap Short
US3010501$10$2000ZeroNon ExpiringMonday–Friday
01:05 – 23:15
Reopen 23:30 – 00:00 Friday close 23:15
NAS10010501$10$2000ZeroNon Expiring15-3.69-0.21
SPX50010500.1$10$2000ZeroNon Expiring31.98-6.77
GER3010501$102000ZeroNon ExpiringMonday 09:05 - 23:00 Tuesday to Thursday 09:01 - 23:00 Friday 09:01-23:0015-0.0908-0.1496


**required margin will be reserved for both BUY and SELL positions within the same account.

“Stop/Limit Order levels may vary during news or unusual market conditions without prior notice.”

Investor Alert: Forex Trading & Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss of some or all of your investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose.